Spanish 1.7. Prepositions

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 1.1. Syllable Stress 2. Similarities to English 2.1. Plural 2.2. Negation 2.3. Punctuation & Written Accents 3. Cardinal Numbers 4. Subject Personal Pronouns 5. Present Indicative Tense I 6. The Articles 7. Prepositions 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives 9. Basic Phrases Level II 1. Gender of Nouns & Adjectives 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. The Verb “To Be”: “Ser” vs. “Estar” 4. Future Tense 5. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 6. Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns 7. Object Personal Pronouns 7.1. Combining Direct & Indirect Object Personal Pronouns 8. Relative Pronouns 9. Ordinal Numbers I 10. Times & Seasons Level III 1. Verbs Like “Gustar” 2. “Por” vs. “Para” 3. The Verb “To Know”: “Saber” vs. “Conocer” 4. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 5. Present Progressive Tense 6. Present Perfect Tense 7. Special Uses of “Haber” & “Tener” 8. Telling Time & Describing Weather 9. Adverbs 9.1. The Adverbs “Tan,” “Solo,” “También,” “Tampoco,” “Vez,” & “Veces” 9.2. Other Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases 10. Directions Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Past Tense: Preterite vs. Imperfect 3. Conjunctions 4. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 5. The Verb “Soler” 6. Time Expressions: Todavía, Aún, Ya, Hace, Acabar, & Desde 7. Present Subjunctive Tense I 8. Personal “a” 9. Future Perfect Tense Level V 1. Irregular Verbs in The Preterite 2. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 3. Expressions of Pain & Illness 4. Simple Conditional Tense 5. Present Subjunctive Tense II 6. Perfect Subjunctive Tense 7. Imperfect Subjunctive Tense 8. Past & Conditional Progressive Tenses 9. Interjections Level VI 1. Ordinal Numbers II 2. “Would/Should/Could Have …” 3. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 4. Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense 5. Use of “Aunque,” “Si Bien,” and “A Pesar de” 6. Verbs of Change 7. Reflexive Passive, Impersonal, & Accidental “Se” 8. Diminutives & Augmentatives 9. Use of “Vos” in Some Spanish-Speaking Countries 10. Uses of “Ojalá” in Spanish
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Here are some of the most used prepositions in Spanish that will help you construct basic sentences.

atoVoy a la escuela por la mañana.I go to school in the morning.
atNos juntamos a las dos.We meet at 2 o’clock.
byHecho a mano.Made by hand (handmade).
onVolveré a casa a pie.I will come back home on foot.
al lado debesideHay un gato al lado de la silla.There is a cat beside the chair.
a lo largo dealongHay casas a lo largo del lago.There are houses along the lake.
antes debeforeTe voy a llamar antes de irme.I will call you before leaving.
a través deacross throughViajamos a través del país.We travel across the country.
debajo de
underEl gato está bajo la silla.     The cat is under the chair.
cerca denearVivo cerca de la ciudad.I live near the city.
conwithÉl habla con su amigo.He speaks with his friend.
en contra de
againstEstoy en contra de la injusticia.I am against injustice.           
deofEl color de mi auto es azul.The color of my car is blue.
fromElla es de España.She is from Spain.
aboutHablan de él.They talk about him.
delante dein front ofEstoy delante de la escuela.I am in front of the school.
dentro deinsideLa bola está dentro de la caja.The ball is inside the box.
desdesinceNo he fumado desde abril.I haven’t smoked since April.
fromViajé desde Egipto a Corea.I traveled from Egypt to Korea.
después deafterHoy dormí después del almuerzo.I slept after lunch today.
detrás debehindEl árbol está detrás de la casa.The tree is behind the house.
duranteduringPodemos salir durante el día.We can go out during the day.
eninEl gato está en la caja.           The cat is in the box.
onLa comida está en la mesa.The food is on the table.
encima deon top ofLas llaves están encima del armario.The keys are on top of the cupboard.
en frente de
frente a
in front ofEsperaré en frente de la puerta.I will wait in front of the door.
entrebetweenEl pájaro está atrapado entre las ramas. The bird is stuck between the branches.
amongSoy el más alto entre mis amigos.I am the tallest among my friends.
fuera deoutsideEl garaje está fuera de la casa. The garage is outside the house.
haciatowardElla corrió hacia la salida.She ran toward the exit.
hastauntilTrabajé hasta las 9 de la noche.I worked until 9 at night.
as far asLa luz alcanza hasta el parque.The light reaches as far as the park.
paraforSalgo para Barcelona mañana.I will leave for Barcelona tomorrow
in order toEstudiamos para aprender.We study in order to learn.
porforAyer dormí por 10 horas.I slept for 10 hours yesterday.
byTe contacté por teléfono.I contacted you by phone.
perCuesta 20 dólares por día.It costs 20 dollars per day.
because ofSufrieron por falta de agua.They suffered because of the lack of water.
segúnaccording toSegún la ley, está prohibido.According to the law, it is prohibited.
sinwithoutUn pez no puede vivir sin agua.A fish can’t live without water.
sobreoverLa mosca está sobre la mesa.The fly is over the table.
aboutHablan sobre el origen de la vida.They talk about the origin of life.
trasbehindLa escoba está tras la puerta.The broom is behind the door.
afterTras mucho tiempo, quiero jubilarme.After a long time, I want to retire.

hasta” as an adverb meaning “even”

The preposition “hasta” can also be an adverb, meaning “even, e.g., “Hace calor hasta con el ventilador” (It’s hot even with the fan).

por” vs. “para” meaning “for”

Note that both “para” and “por” can be used to mean “for. Differences between the two with examples will be explained in Level III, Lesson 2 on the uses of “por” vs. “para.”

tras” vs. “detrás” meaning “behind”

Both “tras” and “detrás” mean “behind. However, “detrás” is more widely used in daily conversations, whereas “tras” is found mostly in formal writing.

Also, “detrás” can be used as an adverb, e.g., “Mira detrás(Look behind), whereas “tras” cannot be used as an adverb.

For instance, we can say “Mira tras la silla” (Look behind the chair), but we cannot say “Mira tras” without it being followed by a noun.

Expressing the meaning of “about”

To express the meaning of “about” (e.g., to talk about someone or watch a documentary about something), we often use “sobre” or “acerca de.”

For example:

Vi un documental sobre la guerra.I watched a documentary about the war.
Leí un libro acerca de la vida en Japón.I read a book about life in Japan.

In some contexts, we could use “de” to mean “about, for example:

Ellos hablan de él.They talk about him.
Quiero leer un libro de ciencia.I want to read a book about science.

Quiz: Prepositions in Spanish

Spanish: Prepositions

1 / 10

1. As a kid, I was shy.


SP: niño era tímido.

2 / 10

2. I live near the city.


SP: Vivo la ciudad.

3 / 10

3. I live in Roma.


SP: Yo vivo Roma.

4 / 10

4. A fish can’t live without water.


SP: Un pez no puede vivir agua.

5 / 10

5. I am against injustice.


SP: Estoy la injusticia.

6 / 10

6. The garage is outside the house.


SP: El garaje está la casa.

7 / 10

7. I have just returned from the park.


SP: Acabo de regresar parque.

8 / 10

8. The color of that car is blue.


SP: El color ese auto es azul.

9 / 10

9. I contacted you by phone.


SP: Te contacté teléfono.

10 / 10

10. I go to the restaurant alone.


SP: Voy solo restaurante.

Your score is

The average score is 80%


Thank you for taking the quiz!

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