French 4.3. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs

A verb is considered reflexive if the subject and the object of the verb are the same. This means that the subject is doing the action to itself, not to something or someone else. For instance, “I wash myself” is reflexive, while “I wash my car” is not reflexive.

Some verbs in French are commonly used in the reflexive form. Let us take a look at one example that you may be familiar with. The verb “appeler” means “to call, e.g., “Ma mère m’appelle tous les vendredis” (My mom calls me every Friday).

However, the reflexive form of the verb “s’appeler,” which literally means “to call oneself, is used to express one’s name. For instance, “Je m’appelle Pierre” means “My name is Pierre, which is literally “I call myself Pierre.

A reflexive verb is formed by preceding the verb in the infinitive with “se” or “s’” before a vowel or mute “h,” often translated as “oneself.


There are many verbs in French that have reflexive forms. We will discuss some examples; however, let us first learn how to conjugate reflexive verbs. Consider the verb “se laver(to wash oneself) as an example.

 Object Personal Pron.e.g., se laver

As shown in the table, we add the object personal pronoun before the verb. Note that the subject and object personal pronouns are of the same gender and number because the subject and the object are essentially the same.


Remember that when the verb is used in reflexive form, the infinitive is preceded with “se,” e.g., “se laver.” Here are more examples of reflexive verbs.

se leverto get ups’ennuyerto get bored
se fâcherto get mads’arrêterto stop oneself
s’amuserto have funse doucherto take a shower
se preparer
to get readyse brosserto brush (one’s hair or teeth)
se coucherto go to bedse coifferto fix one’s hair
se reposerto restse rassemblerto gather
se relaxerto relaxse perdreto get lost
se faire malto hurt oneselfs’inquiéter (de)to worry (about)
se promenerto walkse raserto shave
se souvenirto rememberse réjouirto rejoice
se dépêcherto hurryse remettre (de)to recover
s’asseoirto sit downse sentirto feel
se foulerto twist or sprainse déshabillerto undress oneself
se fatiguerto get tiredse réveillerto wake up
se saoulerto get drunks’habillerto get dressed
se peignerto comb one’s hairse nuireto harm oneself
se noyerto drownse moucherto blow one’s nose
se marierto get marriedse maquillerto put on makeup
s’intéresser àto be interested ins’habituer àto get used to
s’imaginerto imagines’inscrire àto enroll or register
se fier àto trustse faireto make oneself (a coffee, meal, etc.)
s’enrhumerto catch a colds’énerverto get annoyed
s’endormirto fall asleepse couperto cut oneself
s’éloignerto move aways’effrayerto be frightened

Let us look at some sentence examples:

Je m’ennuie vite à la maison.I get bored fast at home.
Elle se lève toujours tôt.She always gets up early.
Nous nous amusons beaucoup ensemble.We have a lot of fun together.
Je me rase deux fois par semaine.I shave twice a week.

One can add the reflexive pronoun to verbs that are not usually reflexive to make them reflexive, for example:

se parlerto speak to each otherse voirto see each other
se comprendreto understand each others’acheterto buy oneself something

Some verbs are used only in reflexive form, such as “se suicider (to commit suicide).

Change of Meaning in Reflexive Form

Some verbs change their meaning when they are used in reflexive form, for example:

ennuyerto bores’ennuyerto get bored
coucherto lay downse coucherto lie down or go to bed
marierto join in marriagese marierto get married
endormirto put to sleeps’endormirto fall asleep

Auxiliary “Être” in Conjugation of Compound Tenses

Finally, keep in mind that all reflexive verbs use the auxiliary “être” when conjugated in the compound past, regardless of the auxiliary used by the non-reflexive form of the verb. For example:

Je me suis ennuyé hier soir.I got bored last night.
Elle s’est réveillée tôt aujourd’hui.She woke up early today.
Nous nous sommes beaucoup amusés hier.We had a lot of fun yesterday.
Je me suis rasé la semaine dernière.I shaved last week.
Elles se sont veus par hasard.They saw each other by accident.

Remember that when “être,” is used as an auxiliary, the past participle takes the treatment of an adjective and must agree in gender and number with the subject.

Next: Expressions Using “Avoir” & “Faire”

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