French 6.5. Prepositional Verbs

A prepositional verb is a verb that is followed by a preposition. Many verbs in French are followed by a preposition. Most prepositional verbs in French have similar meanings to the original verbs. However, a new meaning is sometimes obtained when using the prepositional verb.

For example, when the verb “donner(to give) is followed by the preposition “sur(on), the prepositional verb “donner sur” means “to face” or “to overlook, e.g., “La maison donne sur la mer(The house overlooks the sea).


Here is a list of some common prepositional verbs in French:

arriverto arriveJe vais arriver à Madrid la semaine prochaine.
I am going to arrive in Madrid next week.
arriver àto manage to
to succeed
Il est arrivé à résoudre le problème hier.
He managed to solve the problem yesterday.
chercherto look for
to pick up
Il cherche un emploi dans son domaine.
He is looking for a job in his field.
chercher àto attempt
to try
Tu dois chercher à changer ton plan.
You have to try to change your plan.
commenceto startLes cours commencent mercredi prochain.
Classes start next Wednesday.
commence àto start (to)Il a commencé à pleurer quand je le lui ai dit.
He started to cry when I told him.
commence parto start by
to start with
On commence par se présenter.
We start by introducing ourselves.
compterto countMon fils sait compter jusqu’à dix.
My son can count to ten.
compter pourto count for
to be worth
Cela ne compte pour rien dans le calcul.
This counts for nothing in the calculation.
compter surto count onVous pouvez compter sur moi pour le faire.
You can count on me to do it.
croireto believe
to think
Je ne crois pas ce qu’il a dit.
I don’t believe what he said.
croire àto believe (in) (something)Je crois à la tentative honnête qu’il a faite.
I believe the honest attempt he made.
croire ento believe inJe crois en une solution pacifique à cela.
I believe in a peaceful solution to this.
êtreto beIl est étudiant dans cette université.
He is a student at this university.
être àto belong toCe document est à moi.
This document belongs to me.
être pourto be in favor ofIl est pour la loi et nous sommes contre.
He is for the law and we are against it.
finirto finish
to complete
Il a fini toute la pizza tout seul.
He finished the entire pizza by himself.
finir deto finish
to be done with
Il a fini de manger et est parti tout de suite.
He finished eating and left right away.
finir parto end upElle a fini par refuser l’offre d’emploi.
She ended up refusing the job offer.
jouerto playLes enfants jouent dans le jardin.
The children are playing in the garden.
jouer deto play (an instrument)Il jouait de la guitare quand il était jeune.
He used to play the guitar when he was young.
jouer àto play (a sport or game)Il jouait au tennis à l’école.
He used to play tennis at school.
parlerto speak
to talk
Nous attendons tous qu’il parle.
We are all waiting for him to speak.
parler àto talk toIl voulait parler à sa mère.
He wanted to talk to his mother.
parler deto talk aboutJe ne veux pas parler de ce sujet maintenant.
I don’t want to talk about this subject now.
parler pourto speak forIl parle pour nous tous sur cette question.
He speaks for all of us on this issue.
rêverto dreamJe ne rêve pas beaucoup ces temps-ci.
I don’t dream much these days.
rêver àto dream ofJ’ai rêvé à ce bruit d’oiseaux.
I dreamed of this sound of birds.
rêver deto dream aboutJ’ai rêvé de lui l’autre jour.
I dreamed about him the other day.
tenirto holdLa mère tient son bébé dans ses mains.
The mother holds her baby in her hands.
tenir àto want (eagerly)
to be attached to
Je tiens à tous vous remercier.
I want to thank all of you.
tenir deto take afterJe pense qu’il tient de son père.
I think he takes after his father.

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