French 2.8. Basic Phrases

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 1.1. Vowels 1.2. Consonants 1.3. Silent Final Consonants 1.4. Liaison 1.5. Syllable Stress 2. Similarities to English 2.1. Negation 2.2. Punctuation & Written Accents 3. Gender & Plural 4. Cardinal Numbers 5. Subject Personal Pronouns 6. Present Indicative Tense I 7. The Articles 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives Level II 1. Prepositions 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Demonstrative Pronouns & Adjectives 5. Object Personal Pronouns 6. Relative Pronouns 7. Ordinal Numbers I 8. Basic Phrases 9. Times & Seasons Level III 1. Compound Past 2. The Verb “To Know” 3. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Conjunctions 5. Simple Future Tense 6. Telling Time & Describing Weather 7. Present Participle & Gerund 8. Adverbs 8.1. Other Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases 9. Directions Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Partitives 3. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 4. Expressions Using “Avoir” & “Faire” 5. Present Subjunctive Tense I 6. Impersonal Verbs & Expressions 7. Future Perfect Tense 8. Interjections Level V 1. The Pronouns “Y” & “En” 2. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 3. The Conditional Tenses 4. Present Subjunctive Tense II 5. Perfect Subjunctive Tense 6. Imperfect Indicative Tense 7. Time Expressions: “En train de,” “Venir de,” “Depuis,” & “Ça fait” Level VI 1. The Past Infinitive 2. Simple Past Tense 3. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 4. Idiomatic Pronominal Verbs 5. Prepositional Verbs 6. Passive Voice 7. Diminutives & Augmentatives
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Basic phrases such as greetings and short conversations are essential for taking the first steps to communicate in the French language. Take some time to practice the following formal and informal basic phrases in French.

SalutHi (informal)
Bonjour.Good morning.
Bon après-midi.Good afternoon.
Bonsoir.Good evening.
Bonne nuit.Good night.
Comment allez-vous?How are you? (formal, singular)
Comment vas-tu?How are you? (informal, singular)
Quoi de neuf?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
What’s up?
Je vais bien.I am fine. (formal)
Ça va (bien).I am fine. (informal)
Très bien.                     Very good.
Pas très bien.Not so good.
Comme ci comme ça.So-so.
Au revoir.Goodbye.
Bonne journée!Have a nice day.
Merci.Thank you.
De rien.You’re welcome. It’s nothing.
S’il te plaît.Please. (informal)
S’il vous plaît.Please. (informal)
Pas grand chose.Nothing much.   
Excusez-moi.Excuse me. (formal)
Excuse-moi.Excuse me. (informal)
Enchanté(e).Nice to meet you.
À plus tard.
À toute à l’heure.
See you later.
À bientôt.See you soon.
À demain.See you tomorrow.
Comment t’appelles-tu?What is your name? (informal, singular)
Comment vous appelez-vous?What is your name? (formal, singular)
Je m’appelle…My name is …
Je suis …I am …
Quel âge as-tu?How old are you? (informal, singular)
Quel âge avez-vous?How old are you? (formal, singular)
J’ai 20 ans.I am 20 years old.
D’où viens-tu?Where are you from? (informal, singular)
D’où venez-vous?Where are you from? (formal, singular)
De quelle partie?From which part?
Je viens de …I am from … (I come from …)
Je ne comprends pas.I don’t understand.
Parles-tu anglais?Do you speak English? (informal, singular)
Parlez-vous anglais?Do you speak English? (formal, singular)
Où habites-tu?Where do you live? (informal, singular)
Où habitez-vous?Where do you live? (formal, singular)
Combien ça coûte?How much does this cost?
L’addition, s’il vous plaît.The bill, please.
Peux-tu m’aider?Can you help me? (informal)
Pouvez-vous m’aider?Can you help me? (formal)
Peux-tu parler plus lentement?Can you speak more slowly? (informal)
Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement?Can you speak more slowly? (formal)
Comment puis-je[1] y arriver?How can I get there?

[1] When inverted to form a question, “je peux(I can) becomes “puis-je” /pweej/ (can I).

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