Double Letters in Spanish: “R” vs. “RR,” “L” vs. “LL,” “C” vs. “CC,” & “N” vs. “NN”


In Spanish, “r” and “rr” are considered two distinctive letters. We will learn how to pronounce “r” and “rr” in different contexts. Are there any double letters other than “rr” in Spanish? The answer is yes, namely three other cases of double letters in Spanish: “cc,” “ll,” and “nn,” some are more common than others. … Read more

Diacritics: Diacritical Marks in Spanish

Diacritics Diacritical Marks in Spanish

Diacritics, those seemingly minor marks above letters, play a significant role in shaping the sound and meaning of Spanish words. From acute accents indicating stress to tildes denoting unique sounds, diacritical marks are essential for accurate pronunciation and effective communication. Understanding their function and practicing their usage will greatly increase your Spanish language abilities – … Read more

Best Spanish Learning Apps

Best Spanish Learning Apps

Mobile platforms offer interactive lessons and customized paths for learning languages, from vocabulary building and grammar exercises to conversation practice and cultural insights. Language apps offer a convenient and flexible way to master Spanish; from vocabulary building and grammar exercises to conversation practice and cultural insights. From gamified learning, structured courses or social interaction – … Read more

The Verb “to Know”: “Conocer” vs “Saber” in Spanish, “Conhecer” vs “Saber” in Portuguese, “Conoscere” vs “Sapere” in Italian, & “Connaître” vs “Savoir” in French

the verb to know saber sapere savoir vs conocer conhecer conoscere connaitre

In Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French, there are two verbs that mean “to know.” These verbs are: “saber” and “conocer” in Spanish, “saber” and “conhecer” in Portuguese, “sapere” and “conoscere” in Italian, and “savoir” and “connaître” in French. Spanish saber conocer Portuguese saber conhecer Italian sapere conoscere French savoir connaître Ah, two ever-confusing sets of … Read more

The Curious Case of the Phonetic Change from Latin “F” to Spanish “H”


Have you ever noticed how some common words sound strikingly similar across European languages, yet begin with different letters? There are many words that begin with “h” in Spanish and correspond to words that begin with “f” in Portuguese, Italian, French, and Latin. In this article, we discuss the fascinating history behind this phonetic change … Read more

Learning Spanish and Portuguese at the Same Time


Spanish and Portuguese are two of the most popular languages to learn. They are spoken in many different countries around the world. Most speakers of both languages are geographically located in the Iberian Peninsula and South America. Spanish has approximately 485 million native speakers and is an official language in 21 countries. On the other … Read more

How to say “For” in Spanish: “Por” vs “Para”


In this article, we look into how to say “for” in Spanish. In general, both “por” and “para” can mean “for,” although in some other contexts, they can also mean “by,” “per,” “in order to,” “because of,” and some other meanings. The difference between “por” and “para” is often a challenge to many Spanish students. There … Read more

Possessive Adjectives in Spanish


What are the possessive adjectives in Spanish? How to use possessive adjectives in Spanish? You may also wonder: Why is it so hard to learn possessive adjectives in Spanish? Is it really hard? We don’t think so. We also discuss possessive pronouns. What are the possessive adjectives in Spanish? Possessive adjectives are adjective that modify … Read more

“Why” in Spanish: “Por qué” vs “Para qué”

Why in Spanish - Por que vs Para que

Asking questions is an important part of any conversation, regardless of the language. Questions can help you learn more about a topic, understand someone’s speech, or find out more information. In this article, we discuss how to say “why” in Spanish. What is “why” in Spanish? Is it “por qué” or “para qué”? There are … Read more