Comparative Grammar 6.1. Ordinal Numbers II in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, & French

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 2. Similarities to English 3. Gender & Plural 4. Cardinal Numbers 5. Subject Personal Pronouns 6. Present Indicative Tense I 7. The Articles 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives 9. Basic Vocabulary Level II 1. Prepositions 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Demonstrative Pronouns & Adjectives 5. Object Personal Pronouns 6. Relative Pronouns 7. Ordinal Numbers I 8. “Por” vs. “Para” in Spanish & Portuguese 9. The Verb “To Be”: “Ser” vs. “Estar” in Spanish & Portuguese Level III 1. Verbs like “Gustar” in Spanish & “Piacere” in Italian 2. Present Perfect Tense 3. The Verb “To Know” 4. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 5. Conjunctions 6. Simple Future Tense 7. Telling Time & Describing Weather 8. Adverbs 9. Present Participle & Gerund in French Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Past Tense: Preterite vs. Imperfect 3. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 4. Expressions Using “To Have” & “To Do” 5. Present Subjunctive Tense I 6. Present Progressive Tense 7. Future Perfect Tense 8. Personal “a” in Spanish Level V 1. The Pronouns “Ci” & “Ne” in Italian and “Y” & “En” in French 2. Past Absolute Tense in Italian & Simple Past Tense in French 3. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 4. The Conditional Tenses 5. Present Subjunctive Tense II & Future Subjunctive Tense 6. Perfect Subjunctive Tense 7. Partitives 8. Past & Conditional Progressive Tenses 9. The Verb “Acabar” in Spanish & Portuguese Level VI 1. Ordinal Numbers 2. Imperfect Subjunctive Tense 3. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 4. Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense 5. Passive Voice 6. Idiomatic Pronominal Verbs 7. Diminutives & Augmentatives 8. The Past Infinitive
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In this comparative grammar lesson of Romance languages, we study more about ordinal numbers in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, & French. Ordinal numbers beyond 10 are less often used.

Table of Contents

Ordinal Numbers 11-19

Ordinal numbers between 11 and 19 are as follows:

11SPonceundécimo/-a11.o / 11.a
PTonzedécimo primeiro/-a11.o / 11.a
ITundiciundicesimo/-a11.o / 11.a
12SPdoceduodécimo/-a12.o / 12.a
PTdozedécimo segundo/-a12.o / 12.a
ITdodicidodicesimo/-a12.o / 12.a
13SPtrecedecimotercero/-a13.o / 13.a
PTtrezedécimo terceiro/-a13.o / 13.a
ITtredicitredicesimo/-a13.o / 13.a
14SPcatorcedecimocuarto/-a14.o / 14.a
PTquatorzedécimo quarto/-a14.o / 14.a
ITquattordiciquattordicesimo/-a14.o / 14.a
15SPquincedecimoquinto/-a15.o / 15.a
PTquinzedécimo quinto/-a15.o / 15.a
ITquindiciquindicesimo/-a15.o / 15.a
16SPdieciséisdecimosexto/-a16.o / 16.a
PTdezesseisdécimo sexto/-a16.o / 16.a
ITsedicisedicesimo/-a16.o / 16.a
17SPdiecisietedecimoséptimo/-a17.o / 17.a
PTdezessetedécimo sétimo/-a17.o / 17.a
ITdiciassettediciassettesimo/-a17.o / 17.a
18SPdieciochodecimoctavo/-a18.o / 18.a
PTdezoitodécimo oitavo/-a18.o / 18.a
ITdiciottodiciottesimo/-a18.o / 18.a
19SPdiecinuevedecimonoveno/-a19.o / 19.a
PTdezenovedécimo nono/-a19.o / 19.a
ITdiciannovediciannovesimo/-a19.o / 19.a

Higher Ordinal Numbers

Note that ordinal numbers are adjectives and must agree in gender and number with the noun. Here are some higher ordinal numbers:

20SPveintevigésimo/-a20.o / 20.a
PTvintevigésimo/-a20.o / 20.a
ITventiventesimo/-a20.o / 20.a
30SPtreintatrigésimo/-a30.o / 30.a
PTtrintatrigésimo/-a30.o / 30.a
ITtrentatrentesimo/-a30.o / 30.a
40SPcuarentacuadragésimo/-a40.o / 40.a
PTquarentaquadragésimo/-a40.o / 40.a
ITquarantaquarantesimo/-a40.o / 40.a
50SPcincuentaquincuagésimo/-a50.o / 50.a
PTcinquentaquinquagésimo/-a50.o / 50.a
ITcinquantacinquantesimo/-a50.o / 50.a
60SPsesentasexagésimo/-a60.o / 60.a
PTsessentasexagésimo/-a60.o / 60.a
ITsessantasessantesimo/-a60.o / 60.a
70SPsetentaseptuagésimo/-a70.o / 70.a
PTsetentaseptuagésimo/-a70.o / 70.a
ITsettantasettantesimo/-a70.o / 70.a
80SPochentaoctogésimo/-a80.o / 80.a
PToitentaoctogésimo/-a80.o / 80.a
ITottantaottantesimo/-a80.o / 80.a
90SPnoventanonagésimo/-a90.o / 90.a
PTnoventanonagésimo/-a90.o / 90.a
ITnovantanovantesimo/-a90.o / 90.a
100SPciencentésimo/-a100.o / 100.a
PTcentenascentésimo/-a100.o / 100.a
ITcentocentesimo/-a100.o / 100.a
200SPdoscientosducentésimo/-a200.o / 200.a
PTduzentosducentésimo/-a200.o / 200.a
ITduecentoduecentesimo/-a200.o / 200.a
FRdeux centsdeux centième200.e
300SPtrescientostricentésimo/-a300.o / 300.a
PTtrezentostricentésimo/-a300.o / 300.a
ITtrecentotrecentesimo/-a300.o / 300.a
FRtrois centstrois centième300.e
400SPcuatrocientoscuadrigentésimo/-a400.o / 400.a
PTquatrocentosquadricentésimo/-a400.o / 400.a
ITquattrocentoquattrocentesimo/-a400.o / 400.a
FRquatre centsquatre centième400.e
500SPquinientosquingentésimo/-a500.o / 500.a
PTquinhentosquingentésimo/-a500.o / 500.a
ITcinquecentocinquecentesimo/-a500.o / 500.a
FRcinq centscinq centième500.e
600SPseiscientossexcentésimo/-a600.o / 600.a
PTseiscentossexcentésimo/-a600.o / 600.a
ITseicentoseicentesimo/-a600.o / 600.a
FRsix centssix centième600.e
700SPsetecientosseptingentésimo/-a700.o / 700.a
PTsetecentossetecentésimo/-a700.o / 700.a
ITsettecentosettecentesimo/-a700.o / 700.a
FRsept centssept centième700.e
800SPochocientosoctingentésimo/-a800.o / 800.a
PToitocentosoitocentésimo/-a800.o / 800.a
ITottocentoottocentesimo/-a800.o / 800.a
FRhuit centhuit centième800.e
900SPnovecientosnoningentésimo/-a900.o / 900.a
PTnovecentosnovecentésimo/-a900.o / 900.a
ITnovecentonovecentesimo/-a900.o / 900.a
FRneuf centneuf centième900.e
1.000.000SPun millónmillonésimo/-a1000000.o / 1000000.a
PTum milhãomilionésimo/-a1000000.o / 1000000.a
ITun milionemilionesimo/-a1000000.o / 1000000.a
FRun millionmillionième1000000.e

Names of Kings & Queens: Ordinal or Cardinal?

In Spanish and Portuguese, numbers following the names of kings and queens are ordinal from first to tenth, and cardinal above that. In Italian, these numbers are always ordinal. In French, all these numbers are cardinal, except for “premier” and “première,” which are ordinal. Here are some examples:

SPIsabel Segunda (2.a)Elizabeth the Second
PTIsabel Segunda (2.a)
ITElisabetta Seconda (2.a)
FRElizabeth Deux (2)
SPIsabel Primera(1.a)Elizabeth the First
PTIsabel Primeira (1.a)
ITElisabetta Prima (1.a)
FRElizabeth Première (1ère)
SPEduardo Tercero (3.o)Edward the Third
PTEduardo Terceiro (3.o)
ITEdoardo Terzo (3.o)
FREdouard Trois (3)
SPLuis Catorce (14)Louis the Fourteenth
PTLouis Quatorze (14)
ITLuigi Quattordicesimo (14.o)
FRLouis Quatorze (14)

Fractional Numbers

Fractional numbers in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French are as follows:

 1/21/31/41/5 … 1/101/11 …
SPmediotercioSame as ordinal numberAdd “-avoto the end of the cardinal number, e.g., 1/16 = un dieciseisavo.
PTmeioterçoSame as ordinal number
ITmezzoSame as ordinal number
FRdemitiersquartSame as ordinal number

Here are some examples:

SPun tercio de la poblacióna third of the population
PTum terço da população
ITun terzo della popolazione
FRun tiers de la population
SPun cuarto de los jugadoresa fourth of the players
PTum quarto dos jogadores
ITun quarto dei giocatori
FRun quart des joueurs
SPun quinto de los recursosa fifth of the resources
PTum quinto dos recursos
ITun quinto delle risorse
FRun cinquième des ressources
SPun dieciseisavo del aguaa 1/16th of the water
PTum décimo sexto da água
ITun sedicesimo dell’acqua
FRun seizième de l’eau

If the numerator is larger than one, the denominator is expressed in plural, for example:

SPtres cuartos3/4
PTtrês quartos
ITtre quarti
FRtrois quarts

Collective Numbers

Here are some useful collective numbers and number adjectives in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French:

SPun para pair
PTum par
ITun paio
FRune paire
SPuna docenaa dozen
PTuma dúzia
ITuna dozzina
FRune douzaine

Next: Imperfect Subjunctive Tense

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