In this comparative grammar lesson of Romance languages, we cover telling time & describing weather in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, & French. Telling time and describing the weather are fundamental language skills for any language learner.
Table of Contents
Telling Time
Expressing Time in Hours
In Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French, the verb “to be” is used in the third-person forms to describe time.
In Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, the singular form of the verb “to be” is used for “one o’clock,” while other hours (from two to twelve o’clock) use the plural form of the verb “to be.”
In French, the singular form of the verb “to be” is always used, i.e., “il est” (it is).
SP | Es la una. | It’s one o’clock. |
PT | É uma hora. | |
IT | È l’una. | |
FR | Il est une heure. | |
SP | Son las tres. | It’s three o’clock. |
PT | São três horas. | |
IT | Sono le tre | |
FR | Il est trois heures. | |
SP | Son las once. | It’s eleven o’clock. |
PT | São onze horas. | |
IT | Sono le undici. | |
FR | Il est onze heure. |
Notice the use of the definite article in the examples above in both Spanish and Italian.
To ask what time it is, use the following expression, meaning “What time is it?” in English, or more literally: “What hour is it?” or “What hours are they?”
SP | ¿Qué hora es? |
PT | Que horas são? |
IT | Che ora è? (or) Che ore sono? |
FR | Quelle heure est-il? |
To ask “At what time …?”, we use:
SP | ¿A qué hora …? |
PT | A que horas …? |
IT | A che ora …? |
FR | À quelle heure …? |
Expressing Minutes
To express time in hours and minutes, we use the conjunction “and” in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. In French, we simply add the minutes after the hour. For example:
SP | Es la una y cincuenta. | It’s one-fifty. |
PT | É uma e cinquenta. | |
IT | È l’una e cinquanta. | |
FR | Il est une heure cinquante. | |
SP | Son las cinco y veinticuatro. | It’s five twenty-four. |
PT | São cinco e vinte e quatro. | |
IT | Sono le cinque e ventiquattro. | |
FR | Il est cinq heures vingt-quatre. |
If you want to say: it is minutes to a certain hour, e.g., “It’s five to ten,” we use:
SP | Es la una menos diez. | It’s ten to one. |
PT | São dez minutos para a uma. | |
IT | È l’una meno dieci. | |
FR | Il est une heure moins dix. | |
SP | Son las diez menos cinco. | It’s five to ten. |
PT | São cinco para as dez. | |
IT | Sono le dieci meno cinque. | |
FR | Il est dix heures moins cinq. |
The “15 minutes” and “30 minutes” can sometimes be replaced with “quarter” and “half,” respectively.
SP | Es la una menos cuarto. | It’s a quarter to one. |
PT | São um quarto para a uma. | |
IT | È l’una meno un quarto. | |
FR | Il est une heure moins le quart. | |
SP | Son las cuatro y media. | It’s four-thirty. |
PT | São quatro e meia. | |
IT | Sono le quattro e mezza. | |
FR | Il est quatre heures et demie. |
Other Time Expressions
The expressions “a.m.” and “p.m.” are not commonly used in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French, but you will hear people tell the time using the twelve-hour clock format and expressions like “in the morning,” “in the afternoon,” “in the evening,” or “at night.”
Here are some expressions that are used to express time with examples:
de la mañana (SP) da manhã (PT) di mattina (IT) du matin (FR) | in the morning | EN: It’s 9 a.m. SP: Son las nueve de la mañana. PT: São nove da manhã. IT:Sono le nove di mattina. FR: Il est neuf heures du matin. |
de la tarde (SP) da tarde (PT) del pomeriggio (IT) de l’après-midi (FR) | in the afternoon | EN: It’s 1 p.m. SP: Es la una de la tarde. PT: É uma da tarde. IT: È l’una del pomeriggio. FR: Il est une heure de l’après-midi. |
de la noche (SP) da noite (PT) di sera (IT) du soir (FR) | in the evening | EN: It’s 7 p.m. SP: Son las siete de la noche. PT: São sete horas da noite. IT: Sono le sette di sera. FR: Il est sept heures du soir. |
mediodía (SP) meio-dia (PT) mezzogiorno (IT) midi (FR) | noon | EN: It’s noon. SP: Es mediodía. PT: É meio-dia. IT: È mezzogiorno. FR: Il est midi. |
medianoche (SP) meia-noite (PT) mezzanotte (IT) minuit (FR) | midnight | EN: It’s midnight. SP: Es medianoche. PT: É meia-noite. IT: È mezzanotte. FR: Il est minuit. |
al amanecer (SP) ao amanhecer (PT) all’alba (IT) à l’aube (FR) | at dawn | EN: We’ll meet at dawn. SP: Nos encontraremos al amanecer. PT: Nos encontraremos ao amanhecer. IT: Ci vedremo all’alba. FR: Nous nous retrouverons à l’aube. |
en punto (SP) em ponto (PT) in punto (IT) pile(s), précise(s) (FR) | exactly | EN: It’s five o’clock sharp. SP: Son las cinco en punto. PT: São cinco em ponto. IT: Sono le cinque precise. FR: Il est cinq heures piles. |
más o menos (SP) mais ou menos (PT) circa (IT) environ (FR) | about | EN: It’s about three o’clock. SP: Son las tres más o menos. PT: São mais ou menos três horas. IT: Sono circa le tre. FR: Il est environ trois heures. |
Weather Expressions
Describing the weather in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French often involves the use of some idiomatic expressions that make little sense if translated into English literally.
Here, we list a few common ways of describing the weather using some of these idiomatic expressions as well as other simple expressions.
Weather Expressions using the verb “to do”
SP | ¿Qué tiempo hace? | What’s the weather like? |
PT | – | |
IT | Che tempo fa? | |
FR | Quel temps fait-il? | |
SP | Hace buen tiempo. | The weather is good. |
PT | – | |
IT | Fa bel tempo. | |
FR | Il fait beau. | |
SP | Hace mal tiempo. | The weather is bad. |
PT | – | |
IT | Fa brutto tempo. | |
FR | Il fait mauvais. | |
SP | Hace (mucho) frío. | It’s (too) cold. |
PT | Faz (muito) frio. | |
IT | Fa (molto) freddo. | |
FR | Il fait (trop) froid. | |
SP | Hace calor. | It’s hot. |
PT | Faz calor. | |
IT | Fa caldo. | |
FR | Il fait chaud. |
Weather using Expressions meaning “there is/are”
Expression meaning “there is” or “there are” are used in many weather expressions, such as:
SP | Hay sol. | The sun is shining. |
PT | Há sol. | |
IT | C’è il sole. | |
FR | Il y a du soleil. | |
SP | Hay nubes. | It’s cloudy. |
PT | Há nuvens. | |
IT | Ci sono nuvole. | |
FR | Il y a des nuages. | |
SP | Hay niebla. | It’s foggy. |
PT | Há nevoeiro. | |
IT | C’è nebbia. | |
FR | Il y a du brouillard. | |
SP | Hay neblina. | It’s misty. |
PT | Há neblina. | |
IT | C’è foschia. | |
FR | Il y a de la brume. | |
SP | Hay humedad. | It’s humid. |
PT | Há umidade. | |
IT | C’è umidità. | |
FR | Il y a de l’humidité. | |
SP | Hay relámpagos. | There is lightning. |
PT | Há trovões. | |
IT | Ci sono tuoni. | |
FR | Il y a de la foudre. | |
SP | Hay un vendaval. | There is a windstorm. |
PT | Há um vendaval. | |
IT | C’è una tempesta. | |
FR | Il y a un orage. |
Weather Expressions using the verb “to be”
We can also use the verb “to be” in the third-person singular form followed by an adjective to describe the weather.
SP | ¿Cómo está el tiempo? | How’s the weather? |
PT | Como está o tempo? | |
IT | Com’è il tempo? | |
FR | Comment est la météo? | |
SP | Está soleado. | It’s sunny. |
PT | Está ensolarado. | |
IT | È soleggiato. | |
FR | C’est ensoleillé. | |
SP | Está nublado. | It’s cloudy. |
PT | Está nublado. | |
IT | È nuvoloso. | |
FR | C’est nuageux. | |
SP | Está lluvioso. | It’s rainy. |
PT | Está chuvoso. | |
IT | È piovoso. | |
FR | C’est pluvieux. |
Weather Expressions using a simple verb
One can also use a simple verb expression in the third-person singular form. Here are some examples:
SP | Llueve. | It’s raining. |
PT | Chove. | |
IT | Piove. | |
FR | Il pleut. | |
SP | Nieva. | It’s snowing. |
PT | Neva. | |
IT | Nevica. | |
FR | Il neige. | |
SP | Llovizna. | It’s sprinkling. |
PT | Garoa. | |
IT | Pioviggina. | |
FR | Il bruine. | |
SP | Truena. | It’s thundering. |
PT | Troveja. | |
IT | Tuona. | |
FR | Il tonne. |
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