French 4.4. Expressions Using “Avoir” & “Faire”

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 1.1. Vowels 1.2. Consonants 1.3. Silent Final Consonants 1.4. Liaison 1.5. Syllable Stress 2. Similarities to English 2.1. Negation 2.2. Punctuation & Written Accents 3. Gender & Plural 5. Subject Personal Pronouns 4. Cardinal Numbers 6. Present Indicative Tense I 7. The Articles 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives Level II 1. Prepositions 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Demonstrative Pronouns & Adjectives 5. Object Personal Pronouns 6. Relative Pronouns 7. Ordinal Numbers I 8. Basic Phrases 9. Times & Seasons Level III 1. Compound Past 2. The Verb “To Know” 3. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Conjunctions 5. Simple Future Tense 6. Telling Time & Describing Weather 7. Present Participle & Gerund 8. Adverbs 8.1. Other Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases 9. Directions Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Partitives 3. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 4. Expressions Using “Avoir” & “Faire” 5. Present Subjunctive Tense I 6. Impersonal Verbs & Expressions 7. Future Perfect Tense 8. Interjections Level V 1. The Pronouns “Y” & “En” 2. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 3. The Conditional Tenses 4. Present Subjunctive Tense II 5. Perfect Subjunctive Tense 6. Imperfect Indicative Tense 7. Time Expressions: “En train de,” “Venir de,” “Depuis,” & “Ça fait” Level VI 1. The Past Infinitive 2. Simple Past Tense 3. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 4. Idiomatic Pronominal Verbs 5. Prepositional Verbs 6. Passive Voice 7. Diminutives & Augmentatives
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Some expressions in French do not make sense if literally translated into English. In this section, we will learn some expressions using “avoir(to have) and “faire(to do or to make) that are common in French.

Expressions usingAvoir

In addition to the obvious use of “avoir” to indicate possession, e.g., “J’ai deux chats” (I have two cats), there are some less obvious uses of the verb “avoir” in French.


In English, we use the verb “to be” to describe age, as in “how old are you?” and “I am 30 years old. In French, the verb “avoir” is used instead; that is, we literally say, “I have 30 years old” rather than, “I am 30 years old.”

Here are a few more examples:

Quel âge as-tu?How old are you?
J’ai 40 ans.I am 40 years old.
Il a 20 ans.He is 20 years old.

Feelings & Desires

Some expressions in French describe a feeling or desire using the verb “avoir,” while their equivalents in English use the verb “to be, e.g., “J’ai peur(I am afraid). The word “peur” means “fear. Thus, we literally say, “I have fear.” Some other examples include:

avoir faimto be hungryavoir soifto be thirsty
avoir froidto be coldavoir chaudto be hot
avoir sommeilto be sleepyavoir peurto be afraid

Other Idioms

Finally, there are many other idioms and expressions that use the verb “avoir,” such as:

avoir raisonto be rightavoir tortto be wrong
avoir du succèsto be successfulavoir lieuto take place
avoir mal àto have pain inavoir de la chanceto be lucky
avoir la paroleto have the flooravoir besoin deto need
avoir envie deto feel likeavoir un fou rireto giggle
avoir horreur deto hate somethingavoir l’airto look like
avoir du charmeto be charmingavoir honte deto be ashamed of
avoir le coup de foudreto fall in love at first sightavoir l’habitude deto be used to

Expressions usingFaire

There are many expressions that use the verb “faire(to do or to make) in French, when similar expressions in English would not. We have encountered the verb “faire” used with weather expressions in Level III, Lesson 6, e.g., “Il fait froid(It is cold).

Let us examine some other expressions that use the verb “faire.”

Sports & Hobbies

In general, we use the verb “faire” when referring to sports and hobbies. Here are some examples:

faire du sportto play sportsfaire de la gymto go to the gym
faire du surfto do surfingfaire une promenadeto take a walk
faire du véloto go cyclingfaire du snowboardto snowboard

House Chores & Daily Tasks

The verb “faire” is also used with many house chores and day-to-day tasks. Examples include:

faire des devoirsto do homeworkfaire la lessiveto do laundry
faire le litto make the bedfaire le pleinto fill up on gas
faire les coursesto buy groceriesfaire les magasinsto go shopping
faire le ménageto do the choresfaire le ménageto do the cleaning

Causative Expressions

The verb “faire” can be used in many causative expressions meaning “to have someone do something. For example:

Il me fait voir la différence.He makes me see the difference.
Je lui fais écrire pour moi.I have him write for me.

Other Idioms

There are many other idioms and expressions that use the verb “faire” that do not fall under any of the aforementioned categories, such as:

faire la queueto wait in lineÇa ne fait rien.It doesn’t matter.
faire malto hurt or to be painful faire une pauseto take a break
faire une siesteto take a napfaire soi-mêmeDIY
faire attentionto pay attentionfaire des économiesto save money
faire la grasse matinéeto sleep infaire la sourde oreilleto turn a deaf ear
faire la fêteto partyfaire la têteto be in a bad mood
faire la mancheto begfaire des cauchemarsto have nightmares

Next: Present Subjunctive Tense I

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