In this lesson, we will learn about grammatical gender and plural in Italian.
What is the rule of masculine and feminine gender in Italian?
How do we form the plural in Italian? What are the Italian plural rules and endings?
The vast majority of Italian words end in a vowel. This is part of the reason spoken Italian has a melodic recognizable tone.
This rule, however, is not universal. Not all Italian words end with a vowel, e.g., “il” (the), “con” (with), “in” (in). In addition, there are many foreign words that have made inroads into the Italian life and dictionary such as “sport” and “Internet.”
The vowel at the end of the word often identifies the gender and number of a noun or adjective in Italian.
General Rule of Gender & Plural in Italian
Many masculine nouns and adjectives in Italian end with “-o” in singular and “-i” in plural. On the other hand, many feminine nouns and adjectives end with “-a” in singular and “-e” in plural.
Furthermore, some Italian words end in “-e” in their singular form, and it can be hard to tell if they are masculine or feminine. To form the plural, the final “e” is changed to “i,” regardless of the gender of the word.
Singular | Plural | |
Masculine | -o | -i |
Masculine or Feminine | -e | |
Feminine | -a | -e |
The above rule applies most of the time, but not always, to define or form the gender and plural in Italian.
Notably, the word “gente” (people) in Italian, unlike in English, is singular, e.g., “La gente va e viene” (people come and go).
There are words that are only used in plural form such as “baffim” (mustache), “forbicif” (scissors), “occhialim” (glasses), and “pantalonim” (pants).
Throughout the lessons, we use the superscripts m and f to refer to masculine and feminine genders in Italian, respectively.
More Rules on Gender & Plural in Italian
Nouns and adjectives in Italian have only two genders: masculine and feminine. There is no neuter gender in Italian. The gender of an adjective follows the gender of the noun it describes.
Adjectives in Italian, unlike in English, come after the noun they describe, for example, “edificio alto” (tall building). There are some exceptions to this rule, for example, “grande città” (big or great city). Many adjectives that come before the noun are indefinite adjectives, which will be covered in Level III, Lesson 4.
For the purpose of brevity in the lessons, we often refer only to the masculine singular form of an adjective. We trust that by learning the following basic rules, you will be able to guess the feminine and plural forms most of the time.
Let us summarize some important rules in the context of examples:
1. Words ending in “-o” are generally masculine, and the plural is formed by changing the final “o” to “i.”
For instance, the plural of “quaderno” (notebook) in Italian is “quaderni.” Similarly, the plural of “zaino” (backpack) is “zaini.” Here are some more examples:
librom | book | librim | books |
gattom | cat | gattim | cats |
telefonom | phone | telefonim | phones |
ziom | uncle | ziim | uncles |
There are only a few exceptions of words ending in “-o” that are feminine, such as: “mano” (hand), “radio” (radio), “libido” (libido), “foto” (photo), “auto” (car), and “moto” (motorcycle).
2. Words ending in “-a” are generally feminine, and the plural is formed by changing the final “a” to “e.”
For example:
casaf | house | casef | houses |
camiciaf | shirt | camicief | shirts |
sediaf | chair | sedief | chairs |
ziaf | aunt | zief | aunts |
There are some exceptions such as:
- Words that end in “-ma” or “-ta” and originate from Greek These Italian words are masculine in gender, and the plural is formed by changing the final “a” to “i.” For instance, the plural of “il clima” (the climate) in Italian is “i climi.” Here are some examples:
problemam | problem | problemim | problems |
sistemam | system | sistemim | systems |
climam | climate | climim | climates |
temam | topic | temim | topics |
diplomam | diploma | diplomim | diplomas |
drammam | drama | drammim | dramas |
dilemmam | dilemma | dilemmim | dilemmas |
diagrammam | diagram | diagrammim | diagrams |
pianetam | planet | pianetim | planets |
poetam | poet | poetim | poets |
This exception does not apply to words that did not originate from Greek, such as “formaf” (form) and “piattaformaf” (platform), whose plurals are “formef” and “piattaformef,” respectively.
- Words that end in “-ista” and refer to masculine or feminine people performing a profession, such as:
tassistam,f | taxi driver | tassistim tassistef | taxi drivers |
artistam,f | artist | artistim artistef | artists |
analistam,f | analyst | analistim analistef | analysts |
pianistam,f | pianist | pianistim pianistef | pianists |
The feminine form is used for groups that consist exclusively of feminine-gender members. Even if one masculine-gender member of that group exists, we must use the masculine form.
3. Words ending in “-e” can be masculine or feminine, and the plural is formed by changing the final “e” to “i.”
For example:
colorem | color | colorim | colors |
madref | mother | madrif | mothers |
padrem | father | padrim | fathers |
chiavef | key | chiavif | keys |
It can be difficult to determine if a noun ending with “-e” is masculine or feminine and a dictionary is often needed. Most nouns ending in “-ice” are feminine. They are often the feminine forms of masculine nouns ending in “-ore.”
For instance, the feminine of “attore“ (actor) is “attrice” (actress). Whereas the plural of the masculine “attore“ is “attori,” the plural of the feminine “attrice“ is “attrici,” pronounced /at-tree-chee/. Here are some examples:
attorem attricef | actor actress | attorim attricif | actors actresses |
autorem autricef | author | autorim autricif | authors |
direttorem direttricef | director | direttorim direttricif | directors |
imperatorem imperatricef | emperor empress | imperatorim imperatricif | emperors empresses |
pittorem pittricef | painter | pittorim pittricif | painters |
scrittorem scrittricem | writer | scrittorim scrittricim | writers |
In general, most nouns ending with “-ione” are feminine, and most nouns ending in “-one,” but not “-ione,” are masculine. For example:
nazionef | nation | nazionif | nations |
televisionef | television | televisionif | televisions |
opinionef | opinion | opinionif | opinions |
cordonem | rope | cordonim | ropes |
mattonem | brick | mattonim | bricks |
pallonem | ball | pallonim | balls |
However, there are few exceptions, such as “copione” (script) which is masculine.
4. Although the most common gender pattern is a feminine noun with an “-a” ending that corresponds to a masculine noun with an “-o” ending, this is not the only gender pattern in Italian.
We have encountered masculine nouns ending in “-ore” whose feminine forms end in “-ice,” e.g., “autorem” and “autricef,” meaning “author.”
Another irregular but common feminine form is using the ending “-essa.” This is common with some masculine nouns ending in “-ore,” “-ante,” “-ente,” “-eta,” and “-one.” For example:
professorem professoressaf | professor | professorim professoressef | professors |
presidentem presidentessaf | president | presidentim presidentessef | presidents |
poetam poetessaf | poet | poetim poetessef | poets |
leonem leonessaf | lion lioness | leonim leonessef | lions lionesses |
Some nouns ending in “-e” in masculine have an “-a” ending in their feminine forms. For example:
camerierem camerieraf | waiter waitress | camerierim camerieref | waiters waitresses |
infermierem infermieraf | nurse | infermierim infermieref | nurses |
Some nouns do not change form in masculine or feminine. For example:
cantantem,f | singer | cantantim,f | singers |
francesem,f | French | francesim,f | French (plural) |
inglesem,f | English | inglesim,f | English (plural) |
Finally, there are other nouns that do not follow any pattern. For example, the feminine form of “dio” (god) is “dea” (goddess).
5. Words under the following categories have the same singular and plural forms:
- Foreign words used in Italian. Most such words are masculine.
For instance, the plural of the masculine noun “computer” in Italian is the same, i.e., “computer.” Here are some more examples:
filmm | film | filmm | films |
barm | bar | barm | bars |
sportm | sport | sportm | sports |
taxim | taxi | taxim | taxis |
autobusm | bus | autobusm | buses |
rem | king | rem | kings |
grum | crane | grum | cranes |
hotelm | hotel | hotelm | hotels |
- Most words ending in an accented vowel.
For instance, the plural of “città” (city) in Italian is the same, i.e., “città.” Similarly, the plural of “università” (university) in Italian is the same, i.e., “università.”Here are some examples:
cittàf | city | cittàf | cities |
caffèm | coffee | caffèm | coffees |
universitàf | university | universitàf | universities |
tribùf | tribe | tribùf | tribes |
virtùf | virtue | virtùf | virtues |
- Words that end in “-si.” Most such words are feminine. For example:
crisif | crisis | crisif | crises |
analisif | analysis | analisif | analyses |
- Feminine words that end in “-o,” except “manof” (hand), whose plural is “manif.” For example:
radiof | radio | radiof | radios |
autof | car | autof | cars |
fotof | photo | fotof | photos |
motof | motorcycle | motof | motorbikes |
Notice that the nouns “auto,” “foto,” and “moto” are short forms of the feminine nouns “automobilef,” “fotografiaf,” and “motociclettaf,” respectively.
6. There are a few words in Italian whose gender is masculine in singular form and feminine in plural form.
For example:
bracciom | arm | bracciaf | arms |
ditom | finger | ditaf | fingers |
ginocchiom | knee | ginocchiaf | knees |
labbrom | lip | labbraf | lips |
uovom | egg | uovaf | eggs |
7. Some words undergo spelling changes to form the plural.
These often fall under one of these categories:
- Words with “-co/-ca” and “-go/-ga” endings often add “h” to form plurals with “-chi/-che” or “-ghi/-ghe” endings, especially if the “-co/-ca” or “-go/-ga” is not preceded by “e” or “i.”
For instance, the plural of “albergo“ (hotel) in Italian is “alberghi.” Here are some examples:
giocom | game | giochim | games |
parcom | park | parchim | parks |
albergom | hotel | alberghim | hotels |
lagom | lake | laghim | lakes |
Notice that the purpose of these changes is to maintain the desired soft or hard pronunciation of the “c” or “g.”
If an “e” or “i” precedes the “-co/-ca” or “-go/-ga,” the masculine plural form often ends in “-ci” or “-gi,” leading to change in the “c” or “g” pronunciation from hard to soft sound.
For instance, the plural of “amico“ (male friend) is “amici,” pronounced /a-mee-chee/, whereas the plural of “amica“ (female friend) in Italian is “amiche,” pronounced /a-mee-ke/. Here are some examples:
amicom amicaf | friend | amicim amichef | friends |
grecom grecaf | Greek | grecim grechef | Greeks |
biologom biologaf | biologist | biologim biologhef | biologists |
psicologom psicologaf | psychologist | psicologim psicologhef | psychologists |
Notice that this exception applies only to the masculine form, whereas the feminine form still adds an “h” in the plural.
In general, the suffixes “-logo” and “-loga,” referring to a profession in singular, change to “-logi” and “-loghe,” respectively, in plural.
Finally, there are a number of words, mostly masculine, that do not follow the aforementioned rules. For example:
porcom | pig | porcim | pigs |
ficom | fig | fichim | figs |
sindacom | mayor | sindacim | mayors |
monacom | monk | monacim | monks |
- Words with “-cia” and “-gia” endings often remove the “i” to form plurals with “-ce” and “-ge” endings, if the “-cia” or “-gia” ending is preceded by a consonant. For example:
aranciaf | orange | arancef | oranges |
facciaf | face | faccef | faces |
spiaggiaf | beach | spiaggef | beaches |
If the “-cia” or “-gia” ending is preceded by a vowel, the regular plural is formed with “-cie” or “-gie” ending. For example:
camiciaf | shirt | camicief | shirts |
ciliegiaf | cherry | ciliegief | cherries |
valigiaf | suitcase | valigief | suitcases |
- Words with the the “-io” ending remove the final “o” to form plurals with the “-i” ending.
For instance, the plural of “orologio“ (clock or watch) is “orologi.” Here are some examples:
figliom | son | figlim | sons |
occhiom | eye | occhim | eyes |
orologiom | clock/watch | orologim | clocks/watches |
If the “i” in the final “-io” is in the stressed syllable of the word, the plural is formed with the “-ii” ending. For example:
inviom | dispatch | inviim | dispatches |
ziom | uncle | ziim | uncles |
8. Some words have completely irregular plurals.
For example:
uomom | man | uominim | men |
diom | god | dèim | gods |
buem | ox | buoim | oxen |
alaf | wing | alif | wings |
armaf | weapon | armif | weapons |
tempiom | temple | templim | temples |
9. Some words have a different meaning when used as masculine versus when used as feminine.
For example:
postom | place | postaf | |
modom | way | modaf | fashion |
capitalem | capital (money) | capitalef | capital (city) |
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