Italian 4.8. Interjections

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 1.1. Vowels 1.2. Syllable Stress 2. Similarities to English 2.1. Negation, Punctuation, & Written Accents 3. Gender & Plural 4. Cardinal Numbers 5. Subject Personal Pronouns 6. Present Indicative Tense I 7. The Articles 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives Level II 1. Prepositions 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 4. Demonstrative Pronouns & Adjectives 5. Object Personal Pronouns 6. Relative Pronouns 7. Ordinal Numbers I 8. Basic Phrases 9. Times & Seasons Level III 1. Verbs like “Piacere” 2. Present Perfect Tense 3. The Verb “To Know”: “Sapere” vs. “Conoscere” 4. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 5. Conjunctions 6. Simple Future Tense 7. Telling Time & Describing Weather 8. Adverbs 8.1. Other Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases 9. Directions Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Partitives 3. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 4. Expressions Using “Avere” & “Fare” 5. Present Subjunctive Tense I 6. Present Progressive Tense 7. Future Perfect Tense 8. Interjections Level V 1. The Pronouns “Ci” & “Ne” 2. Past Absolute Tense 3. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 4. The Conditional Tenses 5. Present Subjunctive Tense 6. Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense 7. Imperfect Indicative Tense 8. Past & Conditional Progressive Tenses Level VI 1. Ordinal Numbers II 2. The Past Infinitive 3. Imperfect Subjunctive Tense 4. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 5. Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense 6. Passive Voice & Impersonal “Si” 7. Idiomatic Pronominal Verbs 8. Diminutives & Augmentatives
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In Italian, Interjections are mere exclamation words or expressions that usually represent feelings like surprise or anger. Interjections in Italian are often followed by an exclamation mark.

Che!What…!Che bel gatto!             
What a beautiful cat!
Come!How…!Come canta!               
How he sings!
Quanto!How much…!Quanto la amo!                      
How much I love her!
Aiuto!Help!Per favore, aiuto!
Please, help me!
Attenti!Attention!Attenti!È buio qui.
Attention! It’s dark here.
Attenzione!Careful!Attenzione! È scuro.  
Careful! It’s dark.
Stop it!Basta!Sono stanco.
Enough! I’m tired.
Beato/-a te!Lucky you!Tu eri lì? Beato te!
You were there? Lucky you!
Bene!Alright!Bene! Aspettiamo e vediamo.
Alright! Let’s wait and see.
Who knows?!Boh!forse inizierò un’attività.
Who knows?Maybe I’ll start a business.
Bravo!Well done!Bravo! Hanno giocato bene.   
Well done! They played well.
Buon appetito!Bon appétit!Ecco qui. Buon appetito!
Here you go. Bon appétit!
Buona fortuna!Good luck!Ci vediamo. Buona fortuna!
See you soon. Good luck!
Buon Viaggio!Have a nice trip!Divertiti! Buon viaggio!
Enjoy! Have a nice trip!
Certo!Of course!-Hai fame? –Certo!      
-Are you hungry? –Of course.
Che barba!How boring!Sto ancora aspettando. Che barba!
I’m still waiting. How boring!
Che figo!
Che figata!
Cool!Ci sono fuochi d’artificio. Che figo!
There are fireworks. Cool!
Che orrore!How awful!È stato brutto. Che orrore!
It was bad. How awful!
Che peccato!What a pity!Abbiamo perso. Che peccato!
We lost. What a pity!
Che scemo!How silly!È uno scherzo? Che scemo!
Is this a joke? How silly!
Che schifo!How gross!Che schifo questo dolce!
How gross this dessert!
Che sfiga!What a bad luck!Il viaggio è annullato. Che sfiga!
The trip is canceled. Bummer!
Dai!Come on!Dai! Possiamo vincere.
Come on! We can win.
Davvero?!For real?!Davvero?!È successo?
For real?!This happened?
Hurray!Sì, è ora. Evviva!
Yes, it’s time.Hurray!
Figurati!Don’t worry about it!Non c’è problema, figurati!
No problem, don’t worry about it!
Grazie a Dio!Thank God!Grazie a Dio non è venuto!   
Thank God he didn’t come!
Magari!I wish!-Vincerai. –Magari!     
-You will win. –I wish!
Meno male!(Relief)Meno male che non mi ha visto!
Good thing he didn’t see me!
Mi raccomando!Don’t forget!
Portalo con te, mi raccomando!
Bring it with you, please!
Neanche per sogno!No way!Non ci credo.Neanche per sogno!
I don’t believe it. No way!
Ovvio!Obviously!-Ti piace? –Ovvio!       
-Do you like it? –Obviously!
Per lamor di Dio!For God’s sake!Cos’è successo, per l’amor di Dio?
What happened, for God’s sake?
Salute!Cheers!A tutti voi, grazie e alla salute!
To all of you, thanks and cheers!
Sei fuori!Are you crazy?!È troppo caro. Sei fuori!
It’s too expensive. Are you crazy?
Andate via!
Go away!Non ho tempo. Andate via!
I don’t have time. Go away!
Zitto!Shut up!Zitto! Ho del lavoro da fare. Shut up!
I have work to do.

Next: The Pronouns “Ci” & “Ne”

Back to: Italian Lessons

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