Each noun and adjective in Portuguese have a gender. There are only two genders in Portuguese: masculine and feminine. There is no neuter gender. Throughout the book, we use the superscripts m and f to refer to masculine and feminine genders, respectively.
The adjective follows the noun it describes in gender and number. The only certain way to determine the gender of a noun is by looking it up in a dictionary. Nevertheless, there are some general rules that can help you be right most of the time. Remember, however, that these are general rules, and there are some exceptions.
Table of Contents
- Gender of a Noun
- Gender of an Adjective
- Forming the Plural of a Noun or Adjective
- Summary of Plural Rules in Portuguese
- Level I – Basic
Gender of a Noun
As a general rule, most nouns ending in “-o” are masculine, whereas most nouns ending in “-a” are feminine. However, there are some exceptions that we must be aware of. For example, the nouns “mão” (hand) and “tribo” (tribe) are feminine despite their “-o” ending. Likewise, the nouns “dia” (day) and “sofá” (sofa) are masculine even though they end with “-a.”
In addition, nouns with “-l,” “-r,” or “-z” ending are generally masculine. Many nouns with “-ma” and “-pa” ending are masculine despite their “-a” ending. On the other hand, nouns with “-gem” or “-dade” ending are often feminine.
To summarize:
Gender | Ending | Examples |
masculine | –o | livro (book), número (number), tio (uncle) |
–ma, –pa | clima (climate), poema (poem), mapa (map) | |
–l,-r, –z | papel (paper), lugar (place), arroz (rice) | |
feminine | –a | mesa (table), bola (ball), tia (aunt) |
–gem | imagem (image), origem (origin), viagem (travel) | |
–dade | cidade (city), qualidade (quality), verdade (truth) |
Notice that many words that end in “-ma” or “-pa” and originate from Greek are masculine, for example:
problemam | problem | dramam | drama |
sistemam | system | dilemam | dilemma |
temam | topic or theme | diagramam | diagram |
diplomam | diploma | poemam | poem |
climam | climate | mapam | map |
However, this does not apply to words that do not originate from Greek, such as “forma” (form) and “plataforme” (platform), which are feminine.
Nouns with “-e” (except “-dade”) or “-ão” ending can be either masculine or feminine. As a general rule, nouns in this category tend to be masculine if they refer to concrete things, and feminine if they refer to abstract concepts. Here are some examples:
Ending | Gender | Examples |
–e | masculine | leite (milk), sanduíche (sandwich), recipiente (container) |
feminine | crise (crisis), noite (night), sorte (luck), corrente (current) | |
-ão | masculine | pão (bread), coração (heart), limão (lemon) |
feminine | paixão (passion), exceção (exception), missão (mission) |
Some words have a different meaning when used in the masculine form versus when used in the feminine form. For example:
caram | guy | caraf | face |
capitalm | capital (money) | capitalf | capital (city) |
gramam | gram (unit) | gramaf | grass |
rádiom | radio set or radium | rádiof | radio station |
Some nouns that refer to people can be masculine or feminine. The most common pattern to form the feminine noun from a masculine noun is to replace the final “-o” with “-a.” For example:
médicom | doctor | médicaf | doctor |
engenheirom | engineer | engenheiraf | engineer |
Nevertheless, this is not the only gender pattern in Portuguese. Other patterns include:
Masculine | Feminine | Example |
–or | –ora | pintor > pintora (painter) professor > professora (teacher) |
–triz | ator > atriz (actor/actress) emperador > emperatriz (emperor/empress) | |
–eira | lavrador > lavradeira (farmer) | |
–ês | –esa | inglês > inglesa (English man/woman) |
–ão | –ã | irmão > irmã (brother/sister) |
–oa | leão > leoa (lion/lioness) | |
–ona | sabichão > sabichona (know-all person) |
Most nouns that end in “-ista” can refer to masculine or feminine people performing a role or profession. For example:
dentistam,f | dentist | analistam,f | analyst |
artistam,f | artist | pianistam,f | pianist |
Similarly, some nouns ending in “-e” can also refer to both male and female in some occupations. For example:
gerentem,f | manager | estudantem,f | student |
Others have only one form (masculine or feminine) regardless of the gender of the person that the noun refers to, for example:
peessoaf | person | vítimaf | victim |
cônjugem | spouse | criançaf | child |
In general, most countries ending with “-a” (but not “á” or “ã”) are feminine, e.g., “Italiaf” (Italy). For example:
Turquiaf | Turkey | Rússiaf | Russia |
Colômbiaf | Colombia | Françaf | France |
Italiaf | Italy | Alemanhaf | Germany |
Most other countries are masculine. Here are some examples:
Japãom | Japan | Irãm | Iran |
Canadám | Canada | Portugalm | Portugal |
Notice that most countries are often preceded by a definite article, while only a few cannot be used by a definite article, such as:
Portugalm | Portugal | Marrocosm | Morocco |
Cubam | Cuba | Moçambiquem | Mozambique |
Some countries are always in plural form, such as:
Estados Unidosm | United States | Países Baixosm | Netherlands |
Filipinasf | Philippines | Bahamasf | Bahamas |
Gender of an Adjective
An adjective follows the noun it describes in gender and number. For the purpose of brevity throughout the book, we often refer only to the masculine singular form of an adjective. We trust that by learning some basic rules, you will be able to guess the feminine and plural forms most of the time.
Adjectives in Portuguese, unlike in English, come after the noun they describe, for example, “prédio histórico” (historic building). There are some exceptions to this rule, for example, “grande cidade” (big or great city). Many adjectives that come before the noun are indefinite adjectives, which will be covered in Level III, Lesson 3.
Many masculine adjectives in Portuguese end in “-o.” The feminine form of most masculine adjectives ending in “-o” is often obtained by changing the final “-o” to “-a,” e.g., “lindo/linda” (beautiful), “alto/alta” (high or tall), “velho/velha” (old), etc.
Generally, most masculine adjectives ending in “-or,” “-ês,” or “-u” form the feminine form by simply adding an “-a” to the end of the word. For example:
interior | trabalhadorm | trabalhadoraf |
Chinese | chinêsm | chinesaf |
naked | num | nuaf |
However, there are some exceptions that follow different patterns. The following are the most common irregular patterns:
1. Adjectives ending in “-ão”
The feminine form of masculine adjectives ending in “-ão” is often obtained by changing the final “-ão” to “-ã,” or in some few words to “-ona”:
German | alemãom | alemãf |
sane/healthy | sãom | sãf |
playful | brincalhãom | brincalhonaf |
2. Some adjectives ending in “-or”
The feminine form of some masculine adjectives ending in “-or” remains unchanged:
interior | interiorm | interiorf |
exterior | exteriorm | exteriorf |
better | melhorm | melhorf |
worse | piorm | piorf |
superior | superiorm | superiorf |
bigger | maiorm | maiorf |
smaller | menorm | menorf |
3. Some adjectives ending in “-eu”
The feminine form of masculine adjectives ending in “-eu” is often obtained by changing the final “-eu” to “-eia”:
European | europeum | europeiaf |
Hebrew | hebreum | hebreiaf |
One exception is:
Jewish | judeum | judiaf |
4. Adjectives ending in “-a,” “-e,” “-l,” “-m,” “-s,” “-z,” or “-ar”
The feminine form of most masculine adjectives that end with “-a,” “-e,” “-l,” “-m,” “-s,” “-z,” or “-ar” remains unchanged:
optimist | otimistam | otimistaf |
idiot | idiotam | idiotaf |
strong | fortem | fortef |
sad | tristem | tristef |
cruel | cruelm | cruelf |
possible | possívelm | possívelf |
common | comumm | comumf |
young | jovemm | jovemf |
simple | simplesm | simplesf |
vulgar | relesm | relesf |
happy | felizm | felizf |
fast | velozm | velozf |
regular | regularm | regularf |
similar | similarm | similarf |
5. Irregular adjectives
There are some irregular adjectives that do not follow any pattern and must simply be memorized, such as:
good | bomm | boaf |
bad | maum | máf |
Forming the Plural of a Noun or Adjective
More often than not, forming the plural of a noun in Portuguese resembles the English common way of adding an “-s” or “-es” at the end of a word. However, some nouns do not follow this simple pattern. Here, we will examine the different rules and patterns of forming the plural in Portuguese.
Adjectives in Portuguese must also agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
To form the plural in Portuguese, there are six main patterns:
1. Nouns and adjectives ending in a vowel
Most nouns and adjectives ending in a vowel add a final “-s” to form the plural. For example:
braçom | arm | braçosm | arms |
mesaf | table | mesasf | tables |
carosm | expensive | carosm | expensive |
2. Nouns and adjectives ending in “-s”
Most nouns and adjectives ending in “-s” that are stressed on the last syllable or has a single syllable form the plural by adding a final “-es.” For example:
paísm | country | paísesm | countries |
inglêsm | English | inglesesm | English |
mêsm | month | mesesm | months |
Most other nouns and adjectives ending in “-s,” i.e., multi-syllable words stressed on any syllable but the last, do not change form in the plural. Here are some examples:
ônibusm | bus | ônibusm | buses |
lápism | pencil | lápism | pencils |
simplesm,f | simple | simplesm,f | simple |
3. Nouns and adjectives ending in “-r” “-z,” or “-n”
Most nouns and adjectives ending in “-r” “-z,” or “-n” add a final “-es” to form the plural. For example:
professorm | teacher | professoresm | teachers |
vozf | voice | vozesf | voices |
capazm,f | capable | capazesm,f | capable |
líquenm | lichen | líquenesm | lichens |
4. Nouns and adjectives ending in “-m”
Most nouns and adjectives ending in “-m” change the final “-m” to “-n” and add a final “-s” to form the plural. For example:
somm | sound | sonsm | sounds |
nuvemf | cloud | nuvensf | clouds |
ruimm,f | bad | ruinsm,f | bad |
5. Nouns and adjectives ending in “-ão”
Most nouns and adjectives ending in “-ão” change the final ending to “-ões” to form the plural. For example:
coraçãom | heart | coraçõesm | hearts |
razãof | reason | razõesf | reasons |
decisãof | decision | decisõesf | decisions |
However, there are some exceptions:
a) Some words, especially ones that are stressed on the second-last syllable, simply add an “-s” to the final “-ão” to form the plural. For example:
órfãom | orphan | órfãosm | orphans |
órgãom | organ | órgãosm | organs |
mãof | hand | mãosf | hands |
irmãom | brother | irmãosm | brothers |
b) Some words change the final “-ão” to “-ães” to form the plural. For example:
alemãom | German | alemãesm | Germans |
cãom | dog | cãesm | dogs |
pãom | bread | pãesm | bread (loaves) |
capitãom | captain | capitãesm | captains |
6. Nouns and adjectives ending in “-l”
a) Nouns and adjectives ending in “-al,” “-el,” “-ol,” and “-ul” form the plural by changing their ending into “-ais,” “-eis,” “-ois,” and “-uis,” respectively. For example:
animalm | animal | animaism | animal |
papelm | paper | papéism | papers |
solm | sun | sóism | suns |
azulm,f | blue | azuism,f | blues |
Notice that if last syllable is stressed, an acute accent is needed on the letter before the final “-is” in the plural.
b) Nouns and adjectives ending in “-il” form the plural by changing the final ending into “-is” if the last syllable is stressed, or “-eis” if the stress falls on a different syllable. For example:
funilm | funnel | funism | funnels |
sutilm,f | subtle | sutism,f | subtle |
fóssilm | fossil | fósseism | fossils |
réptilm | reptile | répteism | reptiles |
c) Few words deviate from the above two rules and form the plural differently:
cônsulm | consul | cônsulesm | consuls |
golm | goal | golsm | goals |
malm | evil | malesm | evils |
Summary of Plural Rules in Portuguese
Singular Ending | Plural Ending | Example |
vowel | –s | mesa (table) > mesas (tables) |
–s | – | lápis (pencil) > lápis (pencils) |
–es | país (country) > países (tables) | |
–r,-z,-n | –es | voz (voice) > vozes (voices) |
–m | –ns | som (sound) > sons (sounds) |
–ão | –ões | razão (reason) > razões (reasons) |
–ãos | mão (hand) > mãos (hands) | |
–ães | cão (dog) > cães (dogs) | |
–l | –al > –ais | animal (animal) > animais (animals) |
–el > –eis | hotel (hotel) > hotéis (hotels) | |
–ol > –ois | sol (sun) > sóis (suns) | |
–ul > –uis | azul (blue) > azuis (blue) | |
–il > –is (stressed) –il > –eis (unstressed) | funil (funnel) > funis (funnels) réptil (reptile) > répteis (reptiles) |
Next: Subject Personal Pronouns
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