Spanish 1.3. Cardinal Numbers

Level I 1. Alphabet & Pronunciation 1.1. Syllable Stress 2. Similarities to English 2.1. Plural 2.2. Negation 2.3. Punctuation & Written Accents 3. Cardinal Numbers 4. Subject Personal Pronouns 5. Present Indicative Tense I 6. The Articles 7. Prepositions 8. Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives 9. Basic Phrases Level II 1. Gender of Nouns & Adjectives 2. Present Indicative Tense II – Irregular Verbs 3. The Verb “To Be”: “Ser” vs. “Estar” 4. Future Tense 5. Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 6. Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns 7. Object Personal Pronouns 7.1. Combining Direct & Indirect Object Personal Pronouns 8. Relative Pronouns 9. Ordinal Numbers I 10. Times & Seasons Level III 1. Verbs Like “Gustar” 2. “Por” vs. “Para” 3. The Verb “To Know”: “Saber” vs. “Conocer” 4. Indefinite Adjectives & Pronouns 5. Present Progressive Tense 6. Present Perfect Tense 7. Special Uses of “Haber” & “Tener” 8. Telling Time & Describing Weather 9. Adverbs 9.1. The Adverbs โ€œTan,โ€ โ€œSolo,โ€ โ€œTambiรฉn,โ€ โ€œTampoco,โ€ โ€œVez,โ€ & โ€œVecesโ€ 9.2. Other Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases 10. Directions Level IV 1. Degrees of Comparison: Comparatives & Superlatives 2. Past Tense: Preterite vs. Imperfect 3. Conjunctions 4. Reflexive Pronouns & Verbs 5. The Verb “Soler” 6. Time Expressions: Todavรญa, Aรบn, Ya, Hace, Acabar, & Desde 7. Present Subjunctive Tense I 8. Personal “a” 9. Future Perfect Tense Level V 1. Irregular Verbs in The Preterite 2. Imperative Mood & Giving Commands 3. Expressions of Pain & Illness 4. Simple Conditional Tense 5. Present Subjunctive Tense II 6. Perfect Subjunctive Tense 7. Imperfect Subjunctive Tense 8. Past & Conditional Progressive Tenses 9. Interjections Level VI 1. Ordinal Numbers II 2. “Would/Should/Could Have …” 3. Pluperfect Indicative Tense 4. Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense 5. Use of โ€œAunque,โ€ โ€œSi Bien,โ€ and โ€œA Pesar deโ€ 6. Verbs of Change 7. Reflexive Passive, Impersonal, & Accidental โ€œSeโ€ 8. Diminutives & Augmentatives 9. Use of โ€œVosโ€ in Some Spanish-Speaking Countries 10. Uses of โ€œOjalรกโ€ in Spanish
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Let us learn the cardinal numbers and counting in Spanish. Here, we will learn how to count from 1 to 10 and beyond.

uno, una1veintiuno21doscientos/-as200
cinco5treinta y uno31seiscientos/-as600
seis6treinta y dos32setecientos/-as700
siete7treinta y tres33ochocientos/-as800
nueve9cuarenta y uno41mil1.000
diez10cuarenta y dos42dos mil2.000
once11cincuenta50tres mil3.000
doce12cincuenta y uno51diez mil10.000
trece13cincuenta y dos52cien mil100.000
catorce14sesenta60cien mil uno100.001
quince15setenta70cien mil diez100.010
diecisรฉis16ochenta80un millรณn1.000.000
diecisiete17noventa90dos millones2.000.000
dieciocho18cien100diez millones10.000.000
diecinueve19ciento uno101mil millones1.000.000.000
veinte20ciento dos102dos mil millones2.000.000.000

The Number โ€œ0โ€

The number โ€œ0โ€ in Spanish is โ€œcero,โ€ pronounced as โ€œse-ro.โ€

โ€œUnโ€ vs. โ€œUnoโ€

Before a masculine noun, โ€œunoโ€ becomes โ€œun,โ€ e.g., โ€œun perroโ€ (a dog), โ€œun carroโ€ (a car).

You will encounter a similar dropping of the final โ€œoโ€ with a few other words in Spanish, such as โ€œbuenoโ€ (good), โ€œmaloโ€ (bad), and โ€œalgunoโ€ (some), e.g., โ€œEste restaurante es buenoโ€ (This restaurant is good), โ€œEste es un buen restauranteโ€ (This is a good restaurant).


Cardinal numbers 16-19 in Spanish are formed by contracting the combination of the tens and the units (diez + y + โ€œseis, siete, โ€ฆ etc.โ€) into (diecisรฉis, diecisiete, โ€ฆ etc.), and converting โ€œzโ€ in โ€œdiezโ€ into โ€œc,โ€ and โ€œyโ€ into โ€œi.โ€

The conjunction โ€œyโ€ meaning โ€œandโ€ is used between tens and units, either explicitly as in โ€œtreinta y cuatroโ€ (34) or in contracted form as in โ€œveintitrรฉsโ€ (23), i.e., โ€œveinte + y + tres.โ€

The conjunction โ€œyโ€ is not used between hundreds and tens or between thousands and hundreds, e.g., โ€œcuatrocientos cincuenta y unoโ€(451), โ€œmil novecientosโ€ (1900).


The multiples of hundred (200-900) are formed by combining (dos, tres, โ€ฆ etc.) and โ€œcientosโ€ to form (doscientos, trescientos, โ€ฆ etc.), except for โ€œquinientosโ€ (500).

The multiples of hundred (200-900) can have a masculine โ€œ-osโ€ or a feminine โ€œ-asโ€ ending depending on the nouns they describe, e.g., โ€œdoscientos librosโ€ (200 books), โ€œdoscientas manzanasโ€(200 apples).

The word โ€œcienโ€ does not have a โ€œ-toโ€ or โ€œ-tosโ€ ending when referring to the number 100 or thousand multiples of the number 100, e.g., โ€œcienโ€ (100), โ€œcien milโ€ (100.000), โ€œcien millonesโ€ (100.000.000).

Otherwise, if preceded or followed by a number, โ€œcientoโ€ or โ€œcientosโ€ must be used instead. For example, โ€œciento unoโ€ (101), โ€œtrescientosโ€ (300), etc.

Most, but not all, Spanish-speaking countries use a comma to separate decimals and a period to separate thousands in Spanish. For instance, the number 2.155,25 in Spanish is equivalent to 2,155.25 in English.

Thousands, Millions, and Beyond

In plural form, โ€œmilโ€ remains the same, e.g., โ€œtres milโ€ (3.000), whereas โ€œmillรณnโ€ becomes โ€œmillones.โ€ For example, โ€œocho millonesโ€ (8.000.000), โ€œcien millonesโ€ (100.000.000).

When describing items in millions, one must add โ€œdeโ€ after โ€œmillรณnโ€ or โ€œmillones.โ€ For example, โ€œun millรณn de estudiantesโ€ (a million students), โ€œdos millones de habitantesโ€ (two million inhabitants).

To say a billion in Spanish, we use โ€œmil millones,โ€ that is, a thousand million. The word โ€œbillรณn,โ€ in Spanish, is a trillion in English.

Notice that in Spanish, we cannot use the English way of expressing years, as in โ€œnineteen eighty-threeโ€ (1983); that is, saying โ€œdiecinueve, ochenta y tresโ€ is incorrect. The correct way is to say โ€œmil novecientos ochenta y tres.โ€

Quiz: Cardinal Numbers in Spanish

Spanish: Cardinal Numbers

1 / 20

1. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


2 / 20

2. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


3 / 20

3. Type the cardinal number in letters:

two hundred houses


SP: casasf


4 / 20

4. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


5 / 20

5. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


6 / 20

6. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


7 / 20

7. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


8 / 20

8. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


9 / 20

9. Type the cardinal number in letters:

1 (feminine)


SP: ___


10 / 20

10. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


11 / 20

11. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


12 / 20

12. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


13 / 20

13. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


14 / 20

14. Type the cardinal number in letters:

four million students


SP: ___ estudiantes


15 / 20

15. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


16 / 20

16. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


17 / 20

17. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


18 / 20

18. Type the cardinal number in letters:

1 (masculine)


SP: ___


19 / 20

19. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


20 / 20

20. Type the cardinal number in letters:



SP: ___


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The average score is 0%


Thank you for taking the quiz!

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