In this lesson, we cover times and seasons in French.
Days & Weeks
A day in French is “un jour,” and a week is “une semaine.” The days of the week or “les jours de la semaine” are:
Monday | lundi | Friday | vendredi |
Tuesday | mardi | Saturday | samedi |
Wednesday | mercredi | Sunday | dimanche |
Thursday | jeudi | weekend | finf de semaine weekendm |
Today is “aujourd’hui,” and tomorrow is “demain,” followed by
“après-demain” (the day after tomorrow). Yesterday is “hier,” preceded by “avant-hier” (the day before yesterday).
Tonight is “ce soir” (literally this evening) or “cette nuit” (literally this night), last night is “hier soir” (literally yesterday evening) or “la nuit dernière,” and tomorrow night is “demain soir” (literally tomorrow evening).
The main periods of the day are “le matin” (morning), “l’après-midi” (afternoon), and “la nuit” (night). We generally use the preposition “dans” (in) or “pendant” (during) to describe actions or events taking place during the main periods of the day: “dans/pendant le matin” (in the morning), “dans/pendant l’après-midi” (in the afternoon),or“dans/pendant la nuit” (at night).
Months & Years
A month in French is “un mois” and a year is “un an.” A decade is “une décennie,” and a century is “un siècle.”
The months of the year or “les mois de l’année” are:
January | janvier | July | juillet |
February | février | August | août |
March | mars | September | septembre |
April | avril | October | octobre |
May | mai | November | novembre |
June | juin | December | décembre |
Notice from the two tables above that we do not capitalize the days and months in French, and they are all masculine.
Finally, a season in French is “une saison.” The seasons of the year or to the right of “les saisons de l’année” are:
autumn, fall | automnem | summer | étém |
spring | printempsm | winter | hiverm |
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