In this lesson, we cover times and seasons in Italian.
Days & Weeks
A day in Italian is “un giorno,” and a week is “una settimana.” The days of the week or “i giorni della settimana” are:
Monday | lunedìm | Friday | venerdìm |
Tuesday | martedìm | Saturday | sabatom |
Wednesday | mercoledìm | Sunday | domenicaf |
Thursday | giovedìm | weekend | finem settimana |
Today is “oggi,” and tomorrow is “domani,” followed by “dopodomani” (the day after tomorrow). Yesterday is “ieri,” preceded by “avantieri” (the day before yesterday).
Tonight is “stanotte” or “questa notte” (literally this night), last night is “ieri notte” or “la scorsa notte,” and tomorrow night is “domani notte” (literally tomorrow at night).
The main periods of the day are “la mattina” (morning), “il pomeriggio” (afternoon), and “la notte” (night). We generally use the preposition “di” to say “di mattina/ pomeriggio /notte” (in the morning/afternoon or at night).
Months & Years
A month in Italian is “un mese” and a year is “un anno.” A decade is “un decennio” or “una decade,” and a century is “un secolo.”
The months of the year or “i mesi dell’anno” are:
January | gennaiom | July | lugliom |
February | febbraiom | August | agostom |
March | marzom | September | settembrem |
April | aprilem | October | ottobrem |
May | maggiom | November | novembrem |
June | giugnom | December | dicembrem |
Notice from the two tables above that we do not capitalize the days and months in Italian, and they are all masculine.
Finally, a season in Italian is “una stagione.” The seasons of the year or “le stagioni dell’anno” are:
autumn, fall | autunnom | summer | estatef |
spring | primaveraf | winter | invernom |
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